Overview Information

Conjugated linoleic acid refers to a group of chemicals found in the fatty acid linoleic acid. Dairy products and beef are the major sources of conjugated linoleic acid in the diet. An average diet supplies 15-174 mg of conjugated linoleic acid daily.

Conjugated linoleic acid is commonly taken by mouth for weight loss. It is also often used for bodybuilding and fitness, but there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses. 

CLA is a type of omega-6 fatty acid. While it is technically a trans fat, it’s very different from the industrial trans fats that harm your health.


Large doses of supplemental CLA can cause increased accumulation of fat in your liver, which is a stepping stone towards metabolic syndrome and diabetes.


Dosage and Safety

Most studies on CLA have used doses of 3.2–6.4 grams per day.

One review concluded that a minimum of 3 grams daily is necessary for weight loss .

Doses of up to 6 grams per day are considered safe, with no reports of serious adverse side effects in people.


L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that's often taken as a supplement.

It is used for weight loss and may have an impact on brain function.


Different Types

Here are several other types of carnitine:

D-carnitine: This inactive form may cause a carnitine deficiency in your body by inhibiting the absorption of other, more useful forms .

Acetyl-L-carnitine: Often called ALCAR, this is possibly the most effective form for your brain. Studies suggest that it may benefit people with neurodegenerative diseases 

Propionyl-L-carnitine: This form is well-suited for circulatory issues, such as peripheral vascular disease and high blood pressure. It may boost production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow

L-carnitine L-tartrate: This is commonly added to sports supplements due to its rapid absorption rate. It may aid muscle soreness and recovery in exercise 


Since L-carnitine helps move more fatty acids into your cells to be burned for energy, you might think this would increase your ability to burn fat and lose weight.


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